
Friday, October 30, 2009

The Beginning

So I have tried and tried and tried to not start blogging but I can resist no longer! Here it is! My way to document what is happening in what I consider the "average" American woman's life. One of the reasons I used to stop myself from creating a blog was because I was too busy! I realized that having a blog will help me learn from other women how to keep it all in check! And that I can get great advice from other moms who are trying to balance it all like me. So here is my official plea! PLEASE HELP! How do you all do it every day all day and still have the energy to blog? Today's question? Balance, how do you do it?


Annj said...

This is Anndrea Stout Ashcraft I think it may come up as Annj: I think the only thing that gives me balance and keeps me sane (well as sane as can be expected from me):) is demand at least a half hour of quiet time for me to do something for me. Meanwhile they are taking naps, watching a show or reading books quietly in their room. The rule is no bugging mom for a half hour unless someone is bleeding or not breathing. :)


Great rule Anndrea! I'll have to start using that one