
Friday, May 21, 2010


THis month began with MOTHERS DAY! Its so neat as the years go by to watch this special holiday evolve as the children grow. This year I got a hand made beaded necklace from Matthew that he made at school! It was JUST BEAUTIFUL! Jonny drew me a card and showed me the flowers on them. They also made me breakfast in bed! They both made me a JELLY SANDWICH! Yum! Michael said that as they get older the breakfast's will get better :0) It was THE MOST DELICIOUS Jelly sandwiches I had ever tasted! Michael got me GORGEOUS WHITE TULIPS that took my breath away! He knows that tulips are my absolute favorite flower of all time and they always bloom in the spring! Because we live in HI I see tulips as a very exotic flower but on the mainland they are quite common. I first fell in love with them on my mission. At the Provo Temple they have rows and rows of different colored tulips!

This month also brought Jonny's 3rd birthday! And in our house that means the very 1st haircut! His hair was soooo long and curly that Michael and I were dreading cutting it. But its almost like a right of passage so after his SUPER MAN party! We went down to pig tails and crew cuts to chop it all off. Did I cry? OF COURSE I CRIED! He was such a trooper. He sat still the whole time and just let the Stylist do her thing! He had such a great day! He looks very very grown up now and Michael and I are sad that we don't have babies anymore! They are growing up so quick we hardly know what to do with ourselves!

Speaking of growing up I got to chaperon a field trip for Matthew's class to the elementary school he will be attending! That is another milestone for our family, Matthew will be graduating from preschool this year! So sad right! Anyway the field trip was loads of FUN! Never realized that you have to walk really REALLY slow when your trying to get 20 four year old's down one side walk! It was hilarious and sometimes nerve racking trying to keep them out of the rain and in a strait line but we survived and Matthew feels more comfortable with the idea of going to the "BIG KIDS" school!

Michael is currently working on 3 campaigns for this election season! He totally loves being involved in the legislative process and is thinking about doing it long term.

K.I.T.S. is moving in the right direction! Still getting the word out and trying to educate the community and get kits into the right hands! Having a steady full time job allows me to be risky in my small business because I have a steady income flow and benefits that I'm not going to loose so I can push all of my ideas for K.I.T.S. without having to worry.

Really trying to plan a weekend to go to Kona and visit the Temple. In DESPERATE NEED of the strength that only comes when inside that holy place!

Really proud of Kathryn and Mike for getting A BEAUTIFUL NEW place! Loved having a little gathering there last week! They are a great couple finding the joys of independence! It reminds me of those first years of our marriage. Our apartment was small but it was ours and we answered only to each other! Doesn't seem like such a big deal but it was very LIBERATING! We walked every where and had so much fun together! Learned a lot about each other that we didn't know before some good things and some things that needed getting used too. I won't forget our root beer floats every single night for the first 6 months or how we often got caught in the rain walking to ward center from our apartment, the very late nights at Don Quixote, and Michael introducing me to Barbra Streisand early films like Funny Girl and The Way We Were. Those memories of the early days are priceless to me and have helped cement our marriage in ways I didn't think possible. I thought we were super in love before we were married but in the 6 years since September 11th 2004 our bond is stronger, our love is deeper, and our commitment more solid then I ever thought possible. Michael is my life and he completes me!

We are so excited to see what June will bring!

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