
Thursday, November 5, 2009


I don't know how many of you I've shared this with but I love Antique keys! Most especially old fashioned ones that open pretty door knobs. I think what draws me to them the most is that each one is unique and special in their own way. No two keys are exactly the same. Second I love what they symbolize the power to unlock opportunities that await behind closed doors, and that we hold that power in the palm of our hands.
Whats cooler then wanting a key collection...actually having one! Let me explain. One evening when my husband, my future mother in law, and I were finishing dinner at their house and I had mentioned that one day I wanted to have a key collection. He and his mother looked at each other and just started to laugh. I was then told that Michael's grandmother HAD a key collection and would hang them from the wooden beams in her ceiling. I would love to see all those keys hanging around just showing you all the possibilities that life has in store! I swear if this woman and I were on this earth at the same time we would be soul mates! This was funny to them because in a lot of ways I am like Michael's grandma Mummi and this just confirmed that I was destined to become a part of the family! Thank heavens for keys!


Annj said...

That is really interesting. What happened to those keys after she died? Did you ever get to see them?

You will have to check out my blog although it isn't that interesting but you can see the goings on in my life.

Lana and Micah said...

That's one more thing I never knew about you! hahaha, I love it! Random and unique, you make me smile!